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Hypoallergenic Dog & Cat breeds

  • Post category:Breed
  • Post last modified:September 26, 2024


The struggle is real if you are an allergic animal lover. Perhaps you think owning a pet is off-limits. But don’t lose hope! Enter hypoallergenic dog and cat breeds. These are the breeds who tend to not put out as many allergens, so they could work best for this situation. So, here are some of the best hypoallergenic dog and cat breeds to help you determine which would be the perfect pet for you!

Understanding Pet Allergies

Pet allergies are typically caused by proteins found in an animal’s skin cells, urine and saliva. No dog breed can be completely hypoallergenic, however. Besides being hypoallergenic, these breeds tend to have hair not fur, shed less (some don’t shed at all), or are considered low-dander dogs—whew!

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

1. Poodle

Poodles Were Born to be Hypoallergenic Their dense, curly coat prevents dander from becoming an airborne particle. They also come in three sizes—toy, miniature, and standard—making them an excellent breed for any living situation.

2. Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are also a people-loving breed that is hypoallergenic due to their minimal, non-shedding double coats. They are happy and active dogs that fit well in a family.

3. Maltese

Maltese have long, silky hair that does not shed much at all. And regular grooming will help keep their dander under control. These dogs are famous for being friendly and kind.

4. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus have hair (not fur) that grows constantly and does not shed as much. They require regular grooming but are great pets and friendly.

5. Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dogs have non-shedding coats of curly hair that shed dander. More active and intelligent, suited to a lively family.

Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

1. Sphynx

This hairless cat breed is another good choice as it produces fewer allergens! There is less dust to shed without the fur. And they are friendly and playful cats!

2. Devon Rex

Devon Rex cats have short, curly coat, which makes them good choices if you need to keep cat fur under control. This makes them playful cuddle bugs that are a hit with families.

3. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex cats have wavy, soft fur that sheds little. These are active and socially outgoing cats who make great companions.

4. Russian Blue

They have a fine, short double coat, and produce fewer allergens than some other breeds of cat. They are calm, quiet, and serous individuals who do well in households where there is little noise.

5. Balinese

The long-haired coat of a Balinese cat is single, which means that it does not thicken into the second layer of fur. They are considered to be a good fit for people allergic to cats because they do not make as much of the allergenic Fel-1 protein. Balinese cats are both smart and friendly.

Tips for Managing Pet Allergies

While hypoallergenic breeds will still produce some allergens, there are steps you can take to help keep them at bay:

  • Regular Grooming: Brush and bathe your pet frequently to reduce dander.
  • Clean Living Spaces: So make your living spaces spotless, and buy air purifiers to keep your home clean of allergens.
  • Wash Pet Bedding: Wash your pet bedding and his toy often.
  • Limit Exposure: Minimize your exposure to allergens by designating pet-free zones (such as your bedroom).


Well with hypoallergenic dog and cat breeds, you can! By selecting a breed that has fewer allergens and keeping your home ir free along with grooming well on a regular basis, you can have a healthy home to live happily with your buddy. Hypoallergenic pets come in all shapes, sizes and temperaments; if you love the playfulness of a Poodle or the cuddly nature of a Sphynx, there is certain to be one waiting out there just for you.